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Energy Development Threatens Climbing in Unaweep Canyon

GRAND JUNCTION, CO — Colorado’s Unaweep Canyon—home to exceptional sandstone and granite climbing—is in the crosshairs of a massive new energy development…

A Sustainable Future for Climbing—Now!

Climbing has reached a tipping point. The number of people recreating outside has exploded, pushing the environmental impacts of overuse to unsustainable…

From Defense to Offense: The Future of Climbing Advocacy

As Access Fund wraps up its 30th year, you’d forgive many of its members and supporters for having a sense of déjà vu. In California, for example, Joshua…

It's Time to Embrace Sustainable Access

There is something so beautiful in the simplicity of climbing. At Access Fund, our mission is to protect that magical experience for you and your friends…

Access Fund Signs Indigenous Field Guide Pledge

Indigenous peoples have lived on and stewarded the lands we climb on for countless generations. With that in mind, Access Fund believes that the climbing…

Yosemite Wilderness Climbing Permits: What You Need to Know

As written, Access Fund does not fully endorse this new permit system, and we are committed to working with the park to streamline the permit process.

Advocate Spotlight: Kate Hanes

Meet Kate Hanes, the stewardship coordinator at Southeastern Climbers Coalition. Advocate Spotlight is a monthly feature where readers get to know some of…

Feeling the Burn: Worsening Wildfires Threaten Climbing

We can’t withdraw and stick our heads in the sand. Our community has to step up into that conversation.

Crag Dogs: Acceptable or Not?

It’s a hotly contested topic among climbers, not far behind the “gates in or gates out” debate. We aren’t here to condemn or condone, but rather to offer…

Conservation Teams Transform Fragile Climbing Areas into Sustainable Crags

Access Fund’s strategy is for Conservation Team crews to train local volunteers to care for their climbing areas long after the professionals have left.

Advocate Beta - April 2022

Jenna Winkler National Affiliate Director Photo © Irene Yee New Funding Opportunity: Access Fund JEDI Grant Program You spoke, and we listened—every grant…

On-site in Breaks Interstate Park, Conservation Team Helps Build Out Approach Trails

BREAKS, VA — Conservation Team: Special Projects arrived in Breaks, VA the first week of April to support the area’s local climbing organization, Central…